4.2.9 Road safety cameras
Road safety cameras, such as speed cameras and red light cameras are special POI
types in MioMap. They are described in detail here: Page 54.
4.2.10 Elements of the Active Route
MioMap uses a multi-destination routing system in which more elements can be
distinguished. The start point (your current location if GPS position is available) is
where your route begins, the destination is where you finally arrive and you can
optionally set up via points as well, which you pass by during your journey. The
whole line of the route along with the inactive legs is shown on the map. The start point, via points and the destination
These points are represented by flags. Animated turn guidance
Animated arrows represent all route events other than the above-mentioned special
points. These arrows show the direction in which you need to continue your journey. The route line
The line representing the planned route is displayed in orange with both daylight and
night colors. In both cases it is the most conspicuous part of the map even when in
the background of a 3D map view.