Engine oil 292, 428
Adding 294
Additives 428
Checking level 292
Consumption 292
Display messages 363–364
Filler neck 295
Messages in display 293, 363–364
Viscosity 438
Engine oil level see Oil level
ESP 25, 83, 438
Messages in display 355–356
Switching off 84
Switching on 85
Warning lamp 343
ETD 438
Safety guidelines 64
ETD (Emergency tensioning device) 69
Ethanol fuel
At the gas station 288
Switching fuels 431
Exterior lamp switch 110
Exterior lamps
Delayed shut-off 146
Exterior rear view mirror
Parking position* for 150
Exterior rear view mirrors
Adjusting 42
Setting temperature units 137
Fastening the seat belts 44
Fine adjustment
Cruise control 249
First aid kit 373
Flat tire 394
Inflating the spare tire 398
Lowering the vehicle 400
Mounting the spare wheel 394
Preparing the vehicle 394
Spare wheel 375
Tighten wheel bolts 400
Flexible fuel vehicles 431
At the gas station 288
Switching fuels 431
Flexible Service System (Canada
vehicles) 330, 438
Fog lamp, rear
Message in display 368
Switching on 113
Fog lamps, front
Messages in display 366
Replacing bulbs 385, 386
Switching on 113
Front air bags 65
Front lamps
Bi-Xenon* type 388
Halogen-type 386
Messages in display 366–370
Replacing bulbs 385, 386
Switching on 110
Front passenger front air bag off indicator
lamp 27, 76, 345
Front seat backrest
Folding backrest back 40
Folding backrest forward 39
Front seat head restraints
Installing 102
Power seat* 103
Manual seat 102
Power seat* 103
Removing 102
Power seat* 103
Front seats
Heating* 106