Technical terms
Multifunction display
Display field in the instrument cluster
used to present information provided
by the control system.
Multifunction steering wheel
Steering wheel with buttons for operat-
ing the control system.
Normal occupant weight
୴ page 324)
ccupant Classification System)
The system automatically turns the
front passenger front air bag on or off
based on the classified occupant size
category determined by weight sensor
readings from the seat.
Overspeed range
Engine speeds within the red marking
of the tachometer dial. Avoid this en-
gine speed range, as it may result in se-
rious engine damage that is not
covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited
Poly-V-belt drive
Drives engine-components (alternator,
AC compressor, etc.) from the engine.
Power train
Collective term designating all compo-
nents used to generate and transmit
motive power to the drive axles, includ-
ț engine
ț clutch/torque converter
ț transmission
ț transfer case
ț drive shaft
ț differential
ț axle shafts/axles
Production options weight
୴ page 324)
Program mode selector switch
Used to switch the automatic transmis-
sion between standard operation S and
winter operation C.
ounds per square inch)
୴ page 325)
Recommended tire inflation pressure
୴ page 325)
Restraint systems
Seat belts, child restraints, lower an-
chors and tethers for children (LATCH).
As independent systems, their protec-
tive functions complement one
୴ page 325)
esearch Octane Number)
The Research Octane Number for gaso-
line as determined by a standardized
method. It is an indication of a gaso-
line's ability to resist undesired detona-
tion (knocking). The average of both
the ->MON (Motor Octane Number)
and RON (Research Octane Number) is
posted at the pump, also known as AN-