Passenger compartment 213
Fuse box in 319
Interior lighting 109
Interior rear view mirror 38
Parcel net in front passenger
footwell 186
Passenger footwell
Fuse box in 320
Passenger safety see Occupant safety
Pedals 207
Phone book
Loading 139
Quick search 139
Phone number
Dialing 139
Redialing 139
Plastic and rubber parts
Cleaning 249
Poly-V-belt drive 346
Layout 327
Positions (Memory function)
Recalling from memory 102
Storing into memory 102
Power assistance 208
Power seat
Adjusting backrest tilt 36
Adjusting head restraint height 36
Adjusting head restraint tilt 36
Adjusting seat cushion tilt 36
Adjusting seat height 36
Seat fore and aft adjustment 35
Power train 346
Power windows 164
Blocking of rear door window
operation 71
Convenience feature 165
Side windows 164
Summer opening feature 165
Power-washer 245
Practical hints
First aid kit 283
Fuses 319
Lamp in center console 259
Lamps in instrument cluster 252
Messages in the display 260
Spare wheel 285
Towing the vehicle 315
Vehicle jack 284
Vehicle tool kit 283
Premium unleaded gasoline 335
While driving 50
Product information 9
Quick search
Phone book 139
Selecting stations 121
Station search 121
Station selection setting 132
Radio transmitters, control and
operation 221
Range (distance to empty)
Calling up 137
Range of sensor
Rear Parking Assist* 173
Reading lamp 29
Rear axle differential lock
Switching on 151
Rear bench seat
Foldable 176
Rear door window
Blocking operation 71