Activating exterior rear view mirror
parking position 153
Adjusting 38
Automatic antiglare for rear view
mirror 152
Exterior rear view mirror 38
Exterior rear view mirror parking
positions 135
Interior rear view mirror 38
Storing exterior rear view mirror park-
ing position 103
MON 225
MON (Motor Octane Number) 345
Monitoring reach
Rear Parking Assist* 173
Mph or km/h in speedometer
setting 128
Multicontour seat* 97
Multifunction display 115, 345
Selecting language 128
Standard display 119
Multifunction display messages
ABS 261
BAS 261
Battery 265, 266
Brake fluid 266
Brake pads 266
Check engine 256
Coolant 268, 269
Display 282
Doors 271
Engine 256
Engine oil level 271
ESP 263
Fuel reserve tank 273
Hood 273
Key 273
Lamps 274, 276
Parking brake 267
Sunroof 281
Tailgate 282
Tele Aid 281
Telephone* 281
Washer fluid 282
Multifunction steering wheel 26, 116
Buttons 116
Navigation system
Operating 122
See separate COMAND operating in-
Night security illumination 106
Setting 131
Occupant safety 56
Airbags 57
Children in the vehicle 65
Fastening the seat belt 40
Infant and child restraint systems 66
LATCH child seat anchors 70
Seat belts 40, 60
Odometer, main 25
Off-road driving 213
Checklist 215
Crossing obstacles 218
Driving through water 217
Returning 220
Rules 214
Special driving features 214
Steep terrain 216