“Adjust Back Light Level” label.
The screen shown at right ap-
pears. Now press the left ar-
row key to decrease the light
level. Press the right arrow key
to increase it. The percentage
of back light in use changes
as the arrow keys are pressed.
The bar chart also gives a
graphical indication of the
level. After you’ve made the
adjustment, press the CLR
key to erase the menu.
To adjust the X-70A 3D's speaker volume, press the MENU key twice,
then press the key next to the “Adjust Speaker Volume” label. Now press
the left arrow key to decrease the level, the right arrow key to increase it.
The percentage of volume in use changes as the arrow keys are pressed.
The bar chart also gives a graphical indication of the level. After you’ve
made the adjustment, press the CLR key to erase the menu.
When the optional speed/temperature sensor is connected, the X-70A
3D can display the water depth in feet, fathoms, or meters, surface water
temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius, speed in statute miles per
hour, kilometers per hour, or knots, distance (log) in miles, kilometers, or
nautical miles, and the 3D distance markers in feet or meters.
To change the units of measure, first press the menu key two times. Next,
press the key adjacent to the “Units of Measure” label. The screen shown
below appears. The check
mark in the box on each line
shows the unit of measure
currently in use. In the screen
shown below, the units of mea-
sure are in feet for the depth,
temperature in degrees Fahr-
enheit, speed is in statute
miles per hour, and log is in
statute miles.
Press the key adjacent to the
unit that you wish to change.