
DISPLAY - General
When the X-70A 3D is first turned on, the display looks similar to the one
below. The 3D screen scrolls from right to left, with the scale on the right
side of the screen. The current depth beneath the transducer shows in
the upper right corner of the display. A fish symbol to the left of the depth
shows that the Fish ID feature is on. The word “AUTO” signifies that the
automatic function is on, keeping the bottom on the display at all times. If
the computer identifies targets as fish, one of four fish symbols appear on
the screen, depending on the size of the target. Numbers above the fish
symbol tell you the depth of the target. This feature is called “FishTrack”.
The lights are on for a few seconds when the X-70A 3D is turned on.
Menus appear at the same time. To leave the lights on, press the ON key.
This key controls the back lights. If you don’t want the lights on, wait a few
seconds and they will automatically turn themselves off. The menus will
also disappear after a few seconds, or you can press the CLEAR key to
erase them.
The Metric and Display menu labels work the same way. Press the key
adjacent to the Metric label to change the depth from feet to meters. This
also changes the temperature display to degrees Celsius, speed to knots,
and log to kilometers.
The Display menu on the screen's right side lets you adjust the display’s
for the best contrast. Press the left arrow key to decrease the contrast,
right arrow key to increase it.
The X-70A 3D automatically detects the speed/temperature sensor. If the
sensor is attached to the unit, speed, temperature, and distance log auto-
matically appear on the display. Distance markers also appear on the