
IPX/SPX-compatible Protocol
Click on the Add button. Choose Protocol and click on the Add button.
Select Manufacturer and choose Microsoft. Under the Network Protocol box,
highlight IPX/SPX-compatible protocol. Click OK .The computer will begin
copying files to your system. When the installation is complete, you will be
asked if you want to reboot. Click OK.
Click on the Add button. Select Protocol, then click Add. Under
Manufacturer, highlight Microsoft. Under Network Protocol, highlight
NetBEUI. Click OK. The computer will begin copying files to your system.
When the installation is complete, you will be asked if you want to reboot.
Click OK.
Click on the Add button. Select Protocol, then click Add. Under
Manufacturer, highlight Microsoft. Under Network Protocol, highlight
TCP/IP. Click OK. The computer will begin copying files to your system.
When the installation is complete, you will be asked if you want to reboot.
Click OK.
Wake-On-LAN functions can be accessed in two different ways. Some moth-
erboards support Wake-On-LAN features through a 3-pin connection found
on the motherboard. These motherboards REQUIRE an adapter with this 3-
pin connection to use the Wake-On-LAN features.
Other motherboards support Wake-On-LAN functions through the PCI slot
where the LAN Card is located. Both motherboard and adapter must support
this management in order to use Wake-On-LAN features.
Some mother boards support both of these types. You should refer to your
computer’s (or motherboard’s) documentation to see which type, if any, your
computer supports.
The EtherFast
10/100 LAN Card (LNE100TX v5) manages Wake-On-LAN
through the PCI slot where it is inserted. So, if your motherboard supports
Wake-On-LAN using the 3-pin connection, it will not be able to access Wake-
On-LAN features through the LAN Card. If you have an earlier release of
this product, the adapter may be the LNE100TX v4, which has the 3-pin con-
nection. Go to www.linksys.com for more information on the LNE100TX v4.
About Wake-on-LAN Compatibility
There may be times when you need to manually install missing Windows net-
working components.
1. Click on Start, Settings, then Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Network icon. The Network window appears.
3. Click on the Configuration tab. Make
sure that the following network compo-
nents are installed.
• Client for Microsoft Networks
• Linksys LNE100TX(v5) Fast Ethernet
• IPX/SPX-compatible Protocol
There may be other components listed in addition to the ones shown above. If
any of the above components are missing, add them as follows.
Client for Microsoft Networks
If you plan on connecting to a Windows NT file server or peer-to-peer net-
work, click on the Add button. Highlight Client and click on Add. Choose
Microsoft as the manufacturer in the Network Client box. Highlight Client for
Microsoft Networks and click OK. The computer will begin copying files to
your system. When the installation is complete, you will be asked if you want
to reboot. Click OK.
Client for NetWare Networks
If you plan on connecting to a Novell NetWare server (3.x), click on the Add
button. Highlight Client and click on Add. In the Network Client window,
select Manufacturer and choose Microsoft. Highlight Client for Microsoft
Networks. Click OK. The computer will begin copying files to your system.
When the installation is complete, you will be asked if you want to reboot.
Click OK.
Manually Installing the Network Components in Windows
95, 98, and Millennium
You will
likely need
your Windows
install network
components. If your CD-
ROM isn’t available, try
directing Windows to “c:\win-
dows\options\cabs” when
asked for a file location.
Instant EtherFast
Fast Ethernet Switched 10/100 Network In a Box