
Fast Ethernet Switched 10/100 Network In a Box
Instant EtherFast
6. A window will open saying that Windows is now ready to install the
EtherFast 10/100 LAN Card driver. Click Next.
7. Windows will begin copying the LAN Card’s driver files to your PC.
At this point, the installation may require files from your Windows 98 CD-
ROM. If prompted, insert your Windows 98 CD-ROM into your CD-ROM
drive and enter d:\win98 in the box that appears (where “d” is the letter of
your CD-ROM drive). If you were not supplied with a Windows 98 CD-
ROM, your Windows files may have been placed on your hard drive by
your computer manufacturer. While the location of these files may vary ,
many manufacturers use c:\windows\options\cabs as the path. Try enter-
ing this path into the box. If no files are found, check your computer’s doc-
umentation or contact your computer manufacturer for more information.
8. When asked if you want to restart your PC, remove all disks and click Yes .
If Windows does not ask you to restart your PC, click the Start button,
choose Shut Down, choose Restart, then click Ye s .
The Windows 98 driver installation is complete. Refer to the section on
Configuring the LAN Card for Windows 95, 98, and Millennium for more
information about the setup of the LAN Card.
From this point on, you must provide Windows with a User name and
Password every time you are prompted to do so. Remember to click
properly log into Windows. If you click
or hit the
EEssccaappee ((EESSCC))
you will not log into the network.
4. Select Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended). Click
5. Select Specify a location and enter a:\win98 in the drop down box. Click
Next to continue.
Windows 98 may ask you for a
ccoommppuutteerr oorr wwoorrkkggrroouupp nnaammee
. If so, skip ahead to
the section
CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee LLAANN CCaarrdd
. Once you have established your computer and
workgroup names, return to where you left off and continue with the installation.