
10/100 LAN Cards
3. Click the File and Print Sharing button. The
File and Print Sharing window will appear.
4a. If you'd like others to be able to access the files
on your PC's hard drive, select I want to be
able to give others access to my files.
4b. If you'd like to share your printer with other users on the network, select I
want to be able to allow others to print to my printer.
5. Click the OK button. File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
should now appear in the list of installed components.
If you do not enable
File and Printer Sharing,
your PC will be invisible on
the network, inaccessible
by anyone.
Linksys Instant EtherFast
1. Once you are back at the Windows 95 desk-
top, click on your taskbar's Start button, then
Settings, then Control Panel, and then dou-
ble-click the Network icon.
2. The Network window will appear. Click on the
Configuration tab. A window similar to the
one below will appear. There may be other
components listed in addition to the ones
shown below (for example, Dial-up Adapter), which is normal. If any of the
components shown below are missing, however, you’ll need to manually
install them. If that’s the case, refer to the Manually Installing the Network
Components section of the Appendix now.
• Client for Microsoft Networks
• Client for NetWare Networks
• Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter (LNE100TX v5)
If you need to install the
TCP/IP Protocol, see the
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aanndd MMiilllleennnniiuumm
section in the
Appendix. Windows NT and
2000 users need to check
their Windows User Guides
for protocol installation.
Network Component Configuration