
Linksys Instant EtherFast
10/100 LAN Cards
7. Make sure there is a check
mark beside TCP/IP Protocol
X(v5) Fast Ethernet Adapter.
Uncheck any others that may be
checked and then click the Next
button to continue.
9. Click the Next button to proceed through the subsequent screens. If you are
asked to supply your original Windows NT CD-ROM or setup disks, place
your Windows NT CD-ROM in your CD drive. If the CD-ROM loads a
pop-up window, close it. Type D:\i386 (or the appropriate CD-ROM
drive letter) in the box and click the Continue button.
If you install the
TTCCPP//IIPP pprroottooccooll
, refer
to your Windows NT documentation when
installation steps that aren’t listed in this User
Guide appear. Linksys does not provide
technical support for the configuration or
troubleshooting of the TCP/IP protocol.
6. Highlight the Linksys LNE100TX(v5) Fast Ethernet Adapter entry in
the window that appears and click the OK button.
6. The adapter will be added to the list of Network Adapters on the Network
Setup Wizard screen. Click the Next button.