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Troubleshooting Overview
This chapter discusses some known issues and
common problems with MASTERFORM. If you
encounter an error message or problem, please go
through the following checklist before contacting
technical support.
• Can you recreate the problem consistently?
You should always save your work, reboot
your computer, and attempt to recreate the
error before contacting Technical Support.
• What version of MASTERFORM are you using?
Open MASTERFORM and choose About
Masterform from the Help menu to see your
version number. Have this number handy when
you call Technical Support.
• How did you install MASTERFORM? From a
CD-ROM? If so, which one? By downloading it
from the Labelmaster web site? If so, when did
you perform the download?
• What changed? Have you installed or
uninstalled anything lately? Has someone else
been working on your computer? Got a new
printer? Technical Support will need to know.
• What exact steps led to the error or problem?
Technical Support will need to know exactly
what you clicked or did before the error
• What operating system, service packs, and
printer drivers do you have installed? These
things can affect MASTERFORM so Technical
Support may need to know.