Quantify Biomarkers
for Clinical Diagnostics
The Ariol platform couples high quality imaging with advanced
intelligent analysis
Clinical Her2/neu brightfi eld IHC, ER, PR in breast cancer analysis
• Gold-standard scoring protocols fully supported
(Allred scoring, Histoscoring)
• Unique region-of-interest analysis readily integrates
into existing pathology workfl ows
• Produce case reports with easy export into information
management systems
Clinical Her2/neu FISH analysis
• Capture total gene signal through full z-stack ensures
that all information is analyzed
• Automatic signal counting expressed in an easy to read
per-nucleus table
• Bring fl uorescence analysis out of the dark room and
increase speed of review
• Archive digital images for permanent non-fade records
The Image is Not the End
Flexible Image Analysis
for Your Research Laboratory
SlidePath’s Tissue IA provides high-throughput, web-enabled
analysis for digital slides
• Web-deployed software enables control and review of
image analysis from anywhere
• Flexible solution for whole slide, region of interest
or TMA analysis
• Standard algorithms (membrane, nuclear, and positive pixel)
can be adapted for multiple biomarker and tissue types
• Grid computing approach enables whole slide analysis
• Scalable solution to increase processing power
and decrease analysis time
Original and fi nal image after processing with SlidePath‘s Tissue IA.
Nuclear staining on selected inclusion regions have been classifi ed as strongly
positive (red), moderately positive (orange), weakly positive (yellow) and negative
based on input parameters.
Nuclear (ER & PR), Membrane (Her2/neu), and
FISH (Her2 FISH) capture and analysis (from top to bottom).
SlidePath applications are not cleared by the FDA , Health Canada or in the EU for diagnostic or clinical use. All applications are intended solely for use in the research or educational setting, such as university or pharmaceuti-
cal development. These applications are described as Research Applications or Research Use Only.