
Leica SCN400
The fast, reliable, and fl exible way to scan and digitize your slides
High resolution – high-quality, high-contrast images
with specially designed optics
Always in focus – patented Dynamic Focus Tracking
reveals greater specimen detail
Reliable, precise scans – Minimize the risk of failed scans
Unprecedented rapid scanning speed
Leica SL801
The fast, reliable, and fl exible way to handle large volumes of slides
Automatically scan up to 384 slides without
manual interaction
Easy upgrade – Leica SCN400 can be retrofi tted with
Leica SL801 at the user’s facility
Flexibility – use automatic scanning with user-defi ned
settings or fully interactive mode for complete control
Convenience – load slides as needed, even during the
scanning process
Ariol Platform
Unmatched fl exibility in microscope-based slide scanning with
the Ariol system
Highest quality brightfi eld and fl uorescent slide scanning
Flexible hardware confi guration with user selected
objectives and fi lters
Diagnostic image quality with advanced optional
analysis capabilities
Professional integrated reports with gold standard
scoring protocols
Of Course We Scan