15. Index
15. Index
Adjusting the light sources 45
Allowable ambient conditions 18
Ambient conditions 18
Ambient temperature 10
Analyzer 32, 61, 69, 72
Analyzer cube 68, 69
Aperture diaphragm 15, 39, 59
Beam splitting in photo tubes 54
Bertrand lens 58, 68
Booster lens 70
Bright field 60, 71
Checking the phase contrast
rings 44
Circular polarization 63
Cleaning 77
Cleaning objectives 78
Coaxial drive 51
Compensators 64
Condenser 13, 15, 21
Condenser centering 41
Condenser connection 21
Condenser height adjuster 19, 21
Condenser holder 21
Conoscopy 65
Conoscopy module 13, 38
Contrast method 12, 60, 71
Correction for vision problems 55
Dark field 61, 71
Dark field stop 61
Defined function key 40
DIC prisms 32
Differential interference contrast 68
Display 15, 39
Disposal 11
ebq 100 supply unit 10, 29, 51
Electrical safety 10
ErgoModule 33
Excitation manager 33, 70
Eyepiece 15
Field diaphragm 15, 39, 59
Filter block changer 16
Filter cube 30
Filter cube ICR 72, 73
FIM (fluorescence intensity
manager) 12, 59
Fluorescence 70
Fluorescence intensity 70
Focus finder 37
Focusing 41, 53
Focusing telescope 44
Function buttons 35, 40
Gas discharge lamps 27, 28
Halogen lamp 26, 47
HC P tube optics 58, 66
Hg 100 W and Xe 75 W
mercury lamps 49
Hg 50 burner 28
Hg 50 W mercury lamp 48
Identification sheet
23, 30, 60, 61, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73
Illumination manager 12
Immersion oil 55, 78
Incident light axis 12
Incident light polarizers 31
Incident light shutter 39
Incident light turret disk 30
Initialization 38
Interference contrast 73
Intermediate systems 19
Köhler illumination 21, 41
λ/4 and λ plate 63
Lamp housing 16
Lamp housing 106 z 25, 46
Lamp housing 107/2 23, 45
Lamp housing
receptacle 24, 26, 29
LAS software package 13, 17
Leica CTR5000 electronics
box 10, 34
Leica SmartTouch 13
Light intensity 39
Light sources 45, 59
Light sources for the incident
light axis 25
Light sources for the transmitted light
axis 23
Locking pin 30
Magnification changer 13, 58
Mirror housing 33
Motorized analyzer 32
Motorized polarizer 31
Objective aperture 61
Objective centering 56
Objective prism slide 73
Objective turret 12, 15
Objectives 55
Operating buttons 15
Optical character 66
Phase contrast 44, 60
Pol attachable mechanical
stage 52
Polarization 61, 72
Polarizer 61, 62, 69, 72
Polarizer L/ICR 31
Polarizer R/ICR 31
Polarizer R/P 31
Power supply connection 34
Prism slot 73
Quartz plate 58
Quartz wedge 63
Reflector cube 30
Reflector cube for lamp
adjustment 45
Reset function 35
Rotating polarizer 31
Rotating stage 20, 52
Shutter 70
Specimen holder 19
Specimen stage 19
Transmitted light / incident
light toggle 15
Transmitted light and incident
light analyzer 32
Transmitted light axis 12
Transmitted light filter 16
Transmitted light polarizer ICT/P 31
Transmitted light shutter 39
Variable function
buttons 15, 16, 35, 40
Xe 75 burner 28