
Kobo Vox User Guide 41
Reading Special Types of Books
Understanding EPUBs!
Reading a Fixed Layout EPUB!
Reading a Read Along EPUB!
Reading an Interactive EPUB!
Understanding EPUBs
eBooks come in a range of formats. When you look for books to read on your Kobo Vox eReader,
look for books in EPUB or Enhanced EPUB formats.
An EPUB is a special book format designed for eReaders such as your Kobo Vox. Some Enhanced
EPUBs contain multimedia elements such as an audio track.
There are three types of EPUB files: Fixed Layout EPUBs, Read Along EPUBs and Interactive
Fixed Layout EPUBs
A Fixed Layout EPUB reads like a regular EPUB, with one difference: you can zoom in and out of
the page, and pan around. Fixed Layout EPUBs are common to books with lots of illustration, for
example, childrenʼs books, or cookbooks.
Read Along EPUBs
A Read Along EPUB can read to you and turn pages for you. This can be useful when reading to
children or if you prefer to listen to the book.
Interactive EPUBs
Interactive EPUBs are similar to Fixed Layout EPUBs but also offer audio and animated pictures.