
Kobo Vox User Guide 37
Rating a page
You can rate whether you liked or disliked a page.
To rate a page while reading:
1. Tap thumbs icon on the bottom right corner of the screen repeatedly until you select
thumbs up,
thumbs down,
or neutral (neither like or dislike).
Note: You need to log in to your Facebook account to post your comment, but your rating will not
be posted to Facebook.
Hiding spoilers in Pulse
In Pulse, if you tap “no spoilers”, all comments made further than your current position in your book
will be hidden. If you allow “spoilers”, then you will be able to see all the comments posted about
your book.
To show or hide future content:
1. In Pulse, Tap No Spoilers.
The icon lights up to indicate that you will not see future content.
The icon fades to gray to indicate that you will see future content.
Turning social reading On or Off
You can turn social reading on and off. If you turn off social reading, you will not be able to see
Pulse, comments or or how many Likes a page received.
To turn social reading on or off:
1. Go to your Library.
2. Tap the Menu button on your Kobo Vox.
3. Tap Settings.
4. Tap Manage Social Reading.
5. Under Pulse Visibility, tap On or Off.
6. Tap X to save your settings.