Const Menu
Frontend locked
If the receiving part of the MSK 33 is locked on the carrier frequency of the re-
ceived signal, the display, „Frontend locked“ appears on the screen. If a represen-
tation of the constellation diagram is not possible, the display „not locked“ is dis-
An analysis of the constellation diagram or an evaluation of the measurement re-
sults can first occur, when the receiving signal is locked.
The modulation type and the symbol rate are to be correctly set. The inversion of
the spectrum (invert / no) is set automatically.
The last set menu is called up.
Switch-over between the modulation types QAM 64, QAM 128 or DOC64.
For DOCSIS64 BER cannot be displayed.
Selecting the symbol rate (symbol-clock)
By pressing this button, you can select between the symbol rates, 6,900 MS, 6,111
MS, 6,952 MS or 6,875 MS . With the numerical buttons, entry between 0.5 and 7.2
MS is possible.
Inverting /not inverting constellation diagram
Display the status of the frequency spectrums or the constellation diagram. Setting
automatically occurs.
Press this button to make the constellation diagram larger. The upper left section of
the constellation diagram is now displayed and allows a closer glance of the single
symbols. By pressing the button once more, the original size of the constellation
diagram is displayed.
The screen shows the following values:
- BER = Bit error rate: 1.7 e-06
- MER = Modulation error rate: 29.5 dB
- Carrier offset: 0.25 MHz
- Frontend locked = locked
- Carrier frequency: S24 330.00 MHz
- Digital measurement (D)
- Carrier level: 49.0 dBµV