Sat Operation
The receiver no. is edited by calling up ◄ of the receiver no. –of the field with the
aid of the button, ▲ or ▼.
Installation of a UFOµ unit EXU 544 in conjunction with the MSK 33
In this arrangement, the MSK 33 is connected to the output of the head station and
simulates up to 12 Kathrein receivers. A registration of the MSK 33 receiver (de-
pending on the number of EXU 544 in the system segment) should be carried out
in the head stations.
The installation should be carried out as follows:
1. Bring the MSK 33 into the UFOµ mode by selecting the softkey button 2.
2. Install the EXU 544 according to the Kathrein description 273433 and bring it
into reset status.
3. Select further receivers with the MSK 33 beginning with 01.
4. Bring the MSK into the position „V-call addr“ (Virging-Cal For Address) with the
aid of the „Command“ button and send it to the head station by pressing the
softkey, „tx + rx.“ The head station then sends back the registered address,
remote IF, collision protection pages and the status message „Rec – regis-
tered!“ for the receivers.
5. Bring the MSK 33 into the position „PrgCom“ (programme command) with the
„Command“ button and send it to the head station with the softkey, „tx + rx.“ If
required, the alignment of the satellite dish can now be carried out. An ana-
logue picture assessment is possible.
6. Further receivers can be registers and set in the head station in the same se-
quence described above under point 3, 4, 5.
7. Available remote IF frequencies can be displayed by calling up the receivers
no. 01...12 (analogue picture) or in the spectrum menu.