SECTION 2 Toolkit for the 6620 Computer
6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference 2-15
Each of the components selected from the “Select Compo-
nents” screen (page 2-12) is loaded separately. Before each
component is loaded, a confirmation window appears to en-
sure that you do want that component installed. Below is a
sample confirmation window with the component being
loaded listed in the center:
Click the Continue Installation button to continue load-
ing that component onto the 6620 Computer. If you decide
not to load a component, click the Abort Installation but-
ton to move to the next component or to the end of the
If you click the Continue Installation button, an “Instal-
ling” window appears with two status bars, one for the cur-
rent file and one for all files related to the component being
When the component is finished loading onto the 6620 Com-
puter, an “Install” window appears (next page) to give you
the option to either reboot the computer to update its sys-
tem or continue to load the next component or to finish the