
6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference 10-1
Section 10
Minimal Windows 95 Load
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Norand Mobile Systems Division of Intermec Technologies
Corporation provides a “minimalWindows 95 operating
system configuration for you if you want to reduce the size
of the storage footprint required by the system. The mini-
mal Windows 95 load contains all of the necessary files to
boot and bring up the Windows 95 operating system, includ-
ing IrDA support, which is typically used in a mobile com-
puting environment.
It is possible that files needed by some applications may not
be present in the minimal load. Most of the excluded files
are files located in the Windows System directory. For ex-
ample, many DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) in any full
windows load may not be in the minimal load. By using
utilities in the toolkit, you should be able to determine
which files are needed by the application being developed.
The required files can then be added to the minimal load.
Also, many of the unused Microsoft Windows 95 compo-
nents can be uninstalled from the Windows configuration, if
not needed by your application. Then, the associated files
can be deleted from the minimal load to further reduce the
storage requirements.