
Intellinav One User’s Manual
Press the
The Intellinav screen appears.
Tap Navigate. A warning screen appears.
Tap I
after you have read and agreed to the
warning. The map view appears and you are ready to set
your first destination!
Getting GPS Signal
To use the Intellinav system to guide you to a destination,
the system's GPS antenna must receive GPS signals. GPS
signals can be obstructed by ceilings, trees, and nearby
tall buildings. Signals can also be obstructed by the roof
of your vehicle. For best results, position your Intellinav
system where it has a clear view of the sky.
The very first time turning on the system may take as
long as 15 minutes to obtain a valid GPS fix. Once the
first GPS fix is obtained, thereafter, it should normally
take no more than 30 seconds to 1 minute to obtain a
valid GPS fix.
Car Cursor
The status of the GPS signal is represented in the car
cursor color:
Green: 4 or more satellites
Yellow: 3 satellites
Red: less than 3 satellites
Gray: no satellite at all
Only when the car cursor is green will you be receive
accurate GPS tracking and navigation.
GPS Information
TToo vviieeww tthhee GGPPSS iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn::
1. Tap
. The Main
Menu appears.
2. Tap
GGPPSS IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
The GPS Information
screen appears.
TToo cclloossee tthhee GGPPSS IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ssccrreeeenn::
1. Tap the
in the upper right corner.
Starting Intellinav
User's Manual
Mounting the Intellinav System
MMoouunnttiinngg tthhee SSuuccttiioonn CCuupp
1. Press the suction cup firmly against the windshield.
2. Press down the lever to fix the suction cup in place.
3. Press in the circular buttons to unlock the arms.
4. Adjust the angles of the arms to achieve the best viewing position.
MMoouunnttiinngg tthhee CCrraaddllee aanndd GGPPSS
1. Press the lever to lock or unlock the cradle.
2. Insert the GPS unit bottom in first, and then lock it using the lever on the top.
CChhaarrggiinngg tthhee GGPPSS uunniitt
1. Prior to first use, please use the wall charger to fully charge the unit for 4-6
hours until battery LED is green.
2. In vehicle, you may plug the car charger to provide continuous power. On a full
charge, the unit can operate up to 5 hours.