
Intellinav One User’s Manual
Basic Operation
User's Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of the Intellinav
system. Your Intellinav system can guide you to the
destination of your choice using signals from Global
Positioning Satellites (GPS) orbiting the earth.
There are 24 GPS satellites orbiting the earth. A GPS
device can calculate your position on the earth if it can
receive signals from at least three of these satellites.
When it receives at least four signals, a GPS device can
also calculate your altitude (height above sea level).
You can start using the Intellinav system simply by
mounting the holder on the car's windshield, plug in the
charger, and press the power button on the top of the
FFoorr yyoouurr ssaaffeettyy aanndd tthhee ssaaffeettyy ooff ootthheerrss,, pplleeaassee ddoo nnoott
ooppeerraattee tthhee ssyysstteemm wwhhiillee ddrriivviinngg.. IItt iiss ddaannggeerroouuss ttoo ddoo
ssoo.. WWhheenn yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo eenntteerr aann aaddddrreessss oorr cchhaannggee aa
sseettttiinngg,, pplleeaassee ppuullll oovveerr aanndd ppaarrkk tthhee ccaarr iinn aa ssaaffee
aarreeaa ffiirrsstt.. YYoouu sshhoouulldd aallwwaayyss ppaayy ffuullll aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthhee
rrooaadd aanndd uussee tthhee ssyysstteemm oonnllyy aass aann aaiidd,, bbyy ttaakkiinngg oonnllyy
ggllaanncceess aatt aa ttiimmee,, aanndd lliisstteenniinngg ttoo tthhee vvooiiccee pprroommppttss..
AAnn iinneexxppeerriieenncceedd ddrriivveerr sshhoouulldd NNOOTT uussee tthhee ssyysstteemm..
Getting Started
SD Card Slot
Power Button
Speaker (rear)
Reset (bottom)
Earphone Jack
Main Menu
Volume (+/-)
LCD Panel
External Antenna Connector
USB Port