C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 1
The 7190 at the westcoastsite is the primary 7190. Except in very rare
cases there should only be one primary 7190. All other 7190s in the
network should be secondaries so they can slave their configurations
to the primary 7190.
Step 1. Create the ISV Groups for each site and associate
their services.
The creation of an ISV Group is primarily for management purposes.
The ISV Group is referred to by name. This allows you to choose a
name that is meaningful to you in your network environment (e.g.,
westcoastsite). Names are case insensitive.
config dns isvgroups
create westcoastsite
westcoastsite services create
create eastcoastsite
eastcoastsite services create
Step 2. Select HTTP probe as the ISV method and associate a
URL with each service.
Since there are no load balancers, ISV must be used to determine site
service availability. In this scenario the site represents a distributed
Web site. The best way of determining site service availability is a
combination of ISV and traffic monitoring. Only a load balancer can
do this. The next best thing is ISV using an HTTP probe. For this
scenario only the main Web page (http://www.mstd-ex.com/
main.html) is probed.
NOTE: Only the actual
file name is entered in the
URL string. The Service
VIP and Port already
imply http://www.mstd-
config dns isvgroups westcoastsite services
url /main.html
config dns isvgroups eastcoastsite services
url /main.html
Step 3. Create the delegated zone for the hostname and the
authority records for the zone.
In order for the rest of the world to know that the 7190s are the place
to go for resolving the hostname www.mstd-ex.com they must be
made authoritative for the domain mstd-ex.com. This could be