C H A P T E R 6Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
show dns agents
Displays information about the specified agent.
Information displayed:
Agent: load1
State:Enabled Metrics Interval:30 Metrics Timeout:15
Agent IP: Agent Port: 1999
Primary Flash Src: Not Defined Primary Flash Port: 0
Backup Flash Src: Not Defined Backup Flash Port: 0
Metrics Interval: How frequently the load balancer is to update
the 7190 with its service metrics information.
Metrics Timeout: How long beyond the expected reporting time
that the 7190 waits for service metrics information from a local
Displays statistical information (agent name, state, service
information, etc.) for the specified agent.
show dns agents <agentname> stats
Information displayed:
Agent: load2 (Version Unknown)
State: Disconnected CPU Util: 0%
Connections/Sec: 0
Service: (0 Servers, No Connection)
Referrals: 0 Flash Referrals: 0
Response Time: 0 Connections/Sec: 0
Command Description
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