DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15) 127
Chapter 13 - Viewfinder menu
13.2 Video menu
Menu item Values Description Level File
Gain 2
Gain R 0..99 (50) Sets gain level (R) 2 Scene
Gain G 0..99 (50) Sets gain level (G) 2 Scene
Gain B 0..99 (50) Sets gain level (B) 2 Scene
Exposure time 1
Var exp time 50 Hz .. 3270 Hz (50Hz) or
60 Hz .. 3280 Hz (60Hz)
Sets the exposure time in 0.5 Hz steps when
exposure mode is Var (using the exposure
button at the front of the camera)
1 Scene
Lighting slct -10 . . . +10 (0) Sets the exposure correction to synchronise
with lighting frequency when exposure mode
is 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
1 Scene
Color temp 0
Temp lvl 2000K ... 20000K Sets the color temperature. 0 Scene
RE iris comp On > Off Turns the iris compensation on or off. Use this
setting to compensate for iris loss when a
range extender is used.
0 -
Detail 3
Detail On > Off Turns detail enhancement on or off. 3 Scene
Source Y,R,G,R+G Selects the source to be used for detail
3 Scene
Level 0..99 (SD:50, HD:25) Sets detail enhancement level. Note: SD/HD
default values are different.
3 Scene
Vert lvl 0..99 (SD:25, HD:50) Sets the level of the vertical component in the
detail signal. Note: SD/HD default values are
3 Scene
Noise slicer 0..99 (50) Sets the level of the noise slicer. 3 Scene
Level depend 0..99 (40) Sets the dependency level for the noise slicer. 3 Scene
Coarse/fine 0..99 (50) Sets the coarseness of the detail
enhancement (0 = very fine).
3 Scene
Knee detail Off, 1, 2, 3, 4 Selects level of detail enhancement for the
compressed signal above the knee.
3 Scene
Black pos 0..29 (0) Sets the black position level. S1
Pos + lvl S1
Det black lvl Sets detection black level. S1
Low-mid pos S1
Low-mid lvl S1
Mid pos S1
White pos S1
White lvl S1
Soft detail 2