
Appendix A
Glossary of Navigation Terms
A Altitude (GPS ALT): Altitude, as calculated by the
Apollo 360, based upon a mathematical model of the
earth’s surface curvature.Asubstantial difference between
this altitude value and altitude referenced to sea level may
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS):
Recorded information about weather and other conditions
at an airport, periodicallyupdated when conditions change.
Azimuth: Bearing, as measured clockwise from true or
magnetic north.
B Bearing (BRG): The direction to any point, usually
measured in degrees relative to true or magnetic north.
C Constellation: A group of stars or objects, such as GPS
satellites, in the heavens.
Coordinates: Values for latitude and longitude that
describe a geographical point on the surface of the earth.
Course: The planned direction of travel in a horizontal
Course Deviation: Ameasurementofdistance left or right
from the desired course of travel.
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI): A graphic indicator
of course deviation typically shown as a graduated
horizontal bar with an icon indicating the deviation
distance left or right of course.
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF)
Apollo 360 GPS Receiver Glossary of Navigation Terms
P/N 560-0123-01 A-1