
Scroll through the navigation screens to check your
progress and decreasing range to the destination. When
you are within several miles of the destination, adjust your
ground speed to slow your rate of travel to approximately
30 knots. See “Setting the Ground Speed” earlier in this
tutorial. Use the moving map screen to view your arrival
at the destination. Set the map scale to auto zoom. At this
slower rate of travel, you can clearly see the approaching
destination. As you approach, you can see the runway
The simulator will not “land,” but shows a “fly-by”
and continues travel at thecurrent headingand ground
speed until you enter another destination. When you do
this, the heading changes and the unit navigates to the
new destination. You can stop travel at any time by
adjusting ground speed to 0.
Tutorial Apollo 360 GPS Receiver
C-12 P/N 560-0123-01