The Identify Function
This service aid enables you to determine the position of a particular disk drive that you
want to identify, but do not want to remove. Identify causes the Check light of the disk
drive to flash for identification (two seconds on, two seconds off), but has no effect on
the normal operation of the disk drive. It also causes the Check light (if present) of the
unit containing the selected disk drive to flash. You can use the Identify function on
any number of disk drives at the same time.
Instructions displayed by the service aids tell you when you can select the Identify
The service aids display the UIDs of the devices. By checking the UID on the
serial-number label on the device, you can verify that the correct device has its Check
light flashing.
To Identify with the DOS Configurator
1. Start the DOS Configurator (see “Accessing Service Aids from the DOS
Configurator” on page 29) and select SSA Adapter List.
2. Select the required adapter from the list.
Note: From this point, the Identify service aid can be accessed from most of the
DOS Configurator displays.
3. To start the Identify function, press F9 (FlashOn). To end the Identify function,
press F10 (FlashOff).
To Identify With the RSM Configurator
1. Start the RSM Configurator (see “Accessing Service Aids from the RSM
Configurator” on page 30).
2. On the Adapter List page, select the required adapter.
3. On the Adapter View page, select the Physical View.
4. On the Physical View page, select the required disk drive.
5. On the Disk View page, use the Flash On and Flash Off buttons at the bottom of
the page as necessary.
Download Microcode Function
At some time on a customer site you might be required to install the latest versions of
either the disk or adapter microcode.
To download disk microcode, first obtain the latest SSA PC UCODE package from the
SSA Customer Support Homepage located at
After installing to your disk drive, run the disk downloader tool (issaddld) with each of
the drive microcode files (.dl) usually copied to c:\issa\ssaflash.
Service Aids and Other Utilities 37