SRN FRU List Problem
44PAA Device (100%)
(“Exchanging Disk Drives” on page 19).
Description: An SSA device has a ‘Failed’ status.
Action: If the SSA service aids are available, run the Disk
service aid (see “Service Aids and Other Utilities” on page 29)
to find the failing device. If no device is listed as Rejected, use
the PAA part of the SRN to determine which device is failing.
Before you exchange the failing device, run nonconcurrent
diagnostics to that device to determine the cause of the
If the SSA service aids are not available, note the value of PAA
in this SRN, and go to “Finding the Physical Location of a
Device” on page 38. Exchange the failing FRU for a new FRU.
45PAA Device (40%)
(“Exchanging Disk Drives” on page 19).
SSA Adapter card (40%)
SSA cables, or other SSA connections
in the device enclosure (20%).
Hardware Maintenance Manual
Description: The SSA adapter has detected an open SSA loop.
Action: If the SSA service aids are available, run the Disk
service aid (see “Service Aids and Other Utilities” on page 29)
to determine which part of the loop is failing.
If the SSA service aids are not available, note the value of PAA
in this SRN, and go to “Finding the Physical Location of a
Device” on page 38.
46000 None Description: An array is the Offline state because more than one
disk drive is not available. At least one member disk drive of
the array is present, but more than one member disk drive is
Action: Go to “MAP 2010: START” on page 2010-1.
47000 None Description: An attempt has been made to store in the SSA
adapter the details of more than 32 arrays.
Action: Go to “MAP 2010: START” on page 2010-1.
47500 None Description: Part of the array data might have been lost.
Action: Go to “MAP 2010: START” on page 2010-1.
48000 None Description: The SSA adapter has detected a link configuration
that is not valid.
Action: See “SSA Loop Configurations that Are Not Valid” on
page 12.
49000 None Description: An array is in the Degraded state because a disk
drive is not available to the array, and a write command has
been sent to that array.
Action: A disk drive might not be available for one of the
following reasons:
The disk drive has failed.
The disk drive has been removed from the subsystem.
An SSA link has failed.
A power failure has occurred.
Go to “MAP 2010: START” on page 2010-1.
49100 None Description: An array is in the Exposed state because a disk
drive is not available to the array.
Action: A disk drive can become not available for several
The disk drive has failed.
The disk drive has been removed from the subsystem.
An SSA link has failed.
A power failure has occurred.
Go to “MAP 2010: START” on page 2010-1.
49500 None Description: No hot-spare disk drives are available for an array
that is configured for hot spare disk drives.
Action: Go to “MAP 2010: START” on page 2010-1.
10 IBM SerialRAID Adapter Maintenance Information