activity 5
avoiding 6
combining basic affinity transaction groups 59
control record VSAM file 17
data VSAM files 17
inter-transaction 4
lifetimes 4
overview 3
programming techniques 5
safe 6
suspect 6
unsafe 6
relations 4
transaction group definitions, producing 46
transaction-system 4
affinity data VSAM files 17
affinity transaction group definitions, producing 46
affinity transaction groups, combining 59
analyzing affinity utility program reports
COBOL affinities 75
LOGON or SYSTEM when PCONV expected 75
unrecognized transids 75
BAPPL affinity relation 4
basic affinity transaction groups, combining 59
Builder 55
changes to CAUJCLBL job 55
combined affinity transaction group definitions 58
combining basic affinity transaction groups 59
data sets processed report 61
empty transaction groups report 61
error report 62
group merge report 61
HEADER statements 58
input parameters 55
output 58
overview 18
running 55
syntax for input to 56
CAFB request queue manager diagnostics 80
CAFB transaction 16
CAFF transaction 31
CAFF01 screen, to control the Detector 31
displaying 32
example 32
pausing data collection 34
resuming data collection 34
starting data collection 33
stopping data collection 35
CAFF02, Detector options screen
example 36
CICS BTS, detection of 14
CICSPlex SM 1, 18, 55
collecting data
how to 15
combining basic affinity transaction groups 59
control record VSAM file 17
correlating output
example, assembler language 71
example, VS COBOL II 72
examples of 71
Reporter output 71
Scanner output 71
Cross System Product and affinities 50
CSP and affinities 50
data space size 21
date formatter diagnostics 80
detailed report (Scanner)
creating 27
output contents 28
output example 29
details of what is detected
ADDRESS CWA commands 67
CANCEL commands 68
DELAY commands 68
DEQ commands 65
ENQ commands 65
FREEMAIN commands 67
LOAD commands 67
POST commands 68
RETRIEVE START commands 66
RETRIEVE WAIT commands 66
SPI commands 69
START commands 68
TS commands 66
WAIT commands 69
affinity data VSAM files 17
CAFB request queue manager diagnostics 80
CAFB transaction 16
changing options 36
collecting data 15
control record VSAM file 17
controlling 15
displaying the control screen 32
how data is collected 15
how data is saved 16
options screen, CAFF02 36
example 36
overview 12
pausing data collection 34
performance 18
resuming data collection 34
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999 81