Chapter 6. Running the Reporter
This chapter describes how to run the Reporter that runs as a batch job to produce
a report of the affinities found by the Detector. The commands reported on are
those listed in “Commands detected by the Transaction Affinities Utility” on page 11.
For information about interpreting the report output by the Reporter, see “Using the
affinity report” on page 47.
You can run the Reporter to produce a report of the affinities found in your CICS
region and definitions for the basic affinity transaction groups that correspond to the
report. The definitions for the basic affinity transaction groups are suitable for input
to the Builder.
This chapter contains the following information:
v “Requesting a report from the Reporter”
v “Output from the Reporter” on page 42
v “Using the affinity report” on page 47
v “Compressing affinity data” on page 49
v “Using the IBM Cross System Product” on page 50
Requesting a report from the Reporter
You can request a report from the Reporter by editing and running the job,
CAUJCLRP. Before running the CAUJCLRP job, change the following as
v The JOB accounting parameters
v The PARM parameter of the EXEC statement
For example:
Specify whether the Reporter is to worsen transaction affinity relations for
those affinities where the Detector has not detected at least 10 occurrences.
For more information about worsened relations, see “Worsening of
transaction affinities relations” on page 14.
v The STEPLIB DD statement
Specify the name of the Transaction Affinities Utility load library where you have
installed the Reporter program, CAUREP.
v The CAUAFF1, CAUAFF2, and CAUAFF3 DD statements
Specify the names of your affinity data VSAM files for this CICS region.
Note: Each of the CAUAFF1, CAUAFF2, and CAUAFF3 files has a header
record specifying the applid of the CICS region that created the record.
The Reporter checks these applids against the applid recorded in the
CAUCNTL file, and proceeds only if all four applids are the same.
v The CAUCNTL DD statements
Specify the name of your Transaction Affinities Utility control VSAM file for this
CICS region.
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