
701344-003 9-7
Operating the Dual Screen Features
Use the Mark/Paste feature to copy data between sessions. With this feature, you can
quickly mark and paste data between fields in different sessions.
Mark Field
The mark field is the field you highlight as the source data field. The data to be pasted
must be within a displayed field. Data cannot be marked for pasting if it is in a
nondisplayable field. Data can be pasted from protected as well as unprotected fields.
You must select the mark field before you select the paste field.
To select the source or mark field, position the cursor anywhere within the field, then
press and hold down the Alt key while you press the F4 key (Mark). The field is displayed
in reverse video to indicate it is selected. If the Mark key is pressed while a field is
already selected, the selected field is deselected. The field is also deselected after one of
the Paste keys is pressed or if the session with the selected field is reselected with the
Select Right or Select Left key. A session with a selected field is frozen and does not
receive coax updates.
After you select a field as the source or mark field, use the Select Left or Select Right key
to make the opposite session the active session, then move the cursor to the target field.
Paste Field
The paste field is the field that receives the data from the mark field and it cannot be in
the same session as the mark field. The field that receives the pasted data must be an
unprotected field. Standard data truncation rules apply when the paste and mark fields
are of different lengths. If the paste field is longer than the mark field, data is replaced in
the paste field only up to the length of the mark field. If the paste field is shorter than the
mark field, data is truncated up to the length of the paste field. The data that has been
pasted is temporary until you press an Aid key (Enter or F key), which means if you press
a Select Right or Select Left key before you press an Aid key, the pasted data is lost.
There are three forms of paste operations: paste, paste horizontal, and paste vertical. All
three forms paste data the same way, but paste horizontal and paste vertical select
additional source and target fields after they complete the paste operation. The Paste
Horizontal key selects the next field to the right of the current source field and moves the
cursor to the right of the current target field. The Paste Vertical key selects the next field
below the current source field and moves the cursor to the field below the current target
field. This makes it easy for you to perform quick row and column data copying by
selecting the first mark and paste fields and then executing successive Paste Horizontal
or Paste Vertical operations.