
701344-003 1-3
Password Protection – You can select to limit access to all the setup menus or to just the
System Manager menu, or you can select no password protection at all.
Selectable Vertical Refresh Rate – The 1483 is designed for use with a super VGA
(SVGA) monitor. When attached to a color SVGA monitor, three modes are possible, 72
Hz mode (the default), 60 Hz mode, and 75 Hz mode.
Country Extended Code Page When attached to a properly configured controller, the
1483 supports Country Extended Code Page.
Mono/Dual Case Mode – Allows you to specify all uppercase character entry or upper-
and lowercase character entry.
Mark Unprotected Field Indicator – The 1483 provides a menu option that activates
the Mark Unprotected Field indicator. When activated, a dot, a double dot, an underscore,
an overscore, or a box is displayed in each unprotected field on the screen. This is
particularly useful in data entry environments where fields of data are being entered.
Row/Column Displays the current cursor location on the operator status row.
Switchable Screen Formats – The 1483 supports four screen sizes (up to 3564
characters) that you can select from setup menus. The controller to which the 1483
attaches must be configured to support the screen size used.
Partitioning – When the controller supports this function, you can use the cursor
positioning keys to scroll vertically through a presentation space designated by the host.
Auto Screen Cutoff – Automatically blanks the screen, leaving only the operator status
line and the cursor displayed after a specified length of time (5, 10, 15, 20, . . . 55, 60
minutes) has passed during which no key is pressed and no data is written to the screen
by the host.
Screen Standby – When used with compatible monitors, it allows screens to go to black
and reduce monitor power consumption. It also allows nearly instant screen display after
a keystroke. This meets the TCO StandBy requirement of <30w.
1483 Split Screen – Displays two MOD 2 sessions simultaneously. The top session is
24 full lines and the bottom session is a scrollable 18-line window. Marking and pasting
data is supported between the two sessions.
1483DSV Split Screen – The 1483 DSV displays two full MOD 2, 3, or 4 sessions
simultaneously side by side. Marking and pasting data is supported between the two
Power Down – Automatically cuts power to the monitor after the specified number of
minutes (after Auto Screen Cutoff) during which no key is pressed and no data is written
to the screen by the host. Meets TCO power-down requirement of less than 5 watts.
Numeric Lock – Allows a field to be defined to accept only numeric characters, and the
Period, Minus, and Dup keys. The comma may be substituted for the period on some
international keyboards.