Chemicals such as degreasing agent, grease,
fuel, glycol and hydraulic fl uid can give rise to
allergies in conjunction with repeated skin con-
tact. Avoid contact with the skin, use protective
Changing liquids and fi lters must be done in such a
way that the machine’s hydraulic system and the sur-
rounding environment are not damaged. Dispose of
residual products according to local laws.
Position the machine on a fl at surface. Discharge the
machine and allow it to cool. Clean the component
before opening it for refi lling in order to prevent dirt
getting in. If the level is low, fi ll in accordance with the
following instructions.
Hydraulic fl uid
Allow the machine to cool. Hot oil can cause
severe burn injuries.
The quality of hydraulic fl uid that the machine was
supplied with is indicated on the sticker on the ma-
chine’s hydraulic tank. Refer also to ’Technical data”
for choice of suitable hydraulic oils.
OBS! The machine can be damaged if different types
of hydraulic fl uid are mixed. Check which quality of
hydraulic fl uid the machine’s hydraulic system contains
before refi lling or changing. Do not use hydraulic fl uid
that is not recommended.
Draining hydraulic fl uid
• Manoeuvre the machine so the arm system’s cyl-
inders are retracted and the outriggers are com-
pletely folded.
• Undo the air fi lter so that the overpressure in the
tank is discharged.
• Place a collecting vessel under the tank’s drain
plug and open the plug.
• Screw on the drain plug when all the liquid has
drained out.
• Changing oil fi lters. Refer to ’Oil fi lter” in the ’Main-
tenance and service” section.
• Tighten the air fi lter.
NB! Do not start the motor when the hydraulic tank is
empty, the hydraulic pump will be damaged.
Replenishing hydraulic fl uid
The machine is equipped with a refi ll pump.
• Manoeuvre the machine so the arm system’s cyl-
inders are retracted and the outriggers are com-
pletely folded.
• Clean the refi ll pump’s suction hose. Remove the
plug and put the hose into the fl uid container.
• Press in the refi lling button to start the pump.
• Use the sight gauge to check the oil level when
refi lling.
• Start the machine and operate the cylinders be-
tween outer and inner end position a number of
times to remove air that might have entered the
hydraulic system while refi lling.