Dear Customer
Thank you for choosing a Husqvarna DXR-310!
We hope you will fi nd this operator’s manual very use-
ful. By following its instructions (on operation, service,
maintenance, etc.) you will signifi cantly extend the life
of the machine and even its second-hand value.
Good service
Husqvarna products are sold all over the world and
ensures that you, the customer, get the best support
and service. When you need spare parts or advice on
service or warranty issues, go to www.husqvarnacp.
com and fi nd your local service agent.
Serial Number
The machine’s serial number is indicated on a plate
located on the hydraulic tank. Stated on the plate are:
• The machine’s type designation
• Weight
• The manufacturer’s type number
• The machine’s serial number
• Manufacturer
The hydraulic pump and hydraulic motors are fi tted
with rating plates that indicate article number and the
machine manufacturer’s manufacture number.
Please state the type designation and serial number
when ordering spare parts and for service matters.
The machine is intended for:
• Demolishing, fragmenting, cutting, detaching,
separating, picking up and distributing parts of
buildings and constructions.
• Use in risky environments where the operator can
control the machine without being present within
the risk area.
• Use both indoors and outdoors.
• Use in dangerous environments where the machine
is exposed to risk of collapse, hazardous sub-
stances, great heat, etc.
• Use in environments classifi ed as ’fl ammable”
provided that it has the correct power connection
and all its equipment is correctly dimensioned and
undamaged. The operator must take the risk of
spark formation into consideration when working in
fl ammable environments..
The machine is NOT intended for:
• Use in areas classifi ed as ’explosive”.
• Use in water where the level risks damaging the
machine’s equipment.
• Operation on a public highway.
• Use as a towing vehicle, means of transport or lift-
ing device.
• Use in environments where there is danger for
the operator or the life and health of people in the
• Use in applications or environments that are not
compatible with the recommendations in this Op-
erator’s Manual.
User responsibility
It is the owner’s/employer’s responsibility that the op-
erator has suffi cient knowledge about how to use the
machine safely. Supervisors and operators must have
read and understood the Operator’s Manual. They
must be aware of:
• The machine’s safety instructions.
• The machine’s range of applications and limita-
• How the machine is to be used and maintained.
The manufacturer’s
Husqvarna Construction Products reserves the right
to alter specifi cations and instructions for the machine
without prior notifi cation. The machine may not be
modifi ed without the manufacturer’s written permis-
sion. If the machine is modifi ed after delivery from
Husqvarna Construction Products and without the
manufacturer’s written permission, it is the owner’s
Modifi cation can entail new risks for operators, the
machine and the surroundings. These can include
impaired strength or inadequate protection. It is the
responsibility of the owner to specify which altera-
tions are going to be made and to contact the supplier
of the machine for approval before commencing the
modifi cations.
All information and all data in the Operator’s Manual
were applicable at the time the Operator’s Manual was
sent to print.
Husqvarna Construction Products, Jons väg 19,
SE-433 81 Göteborg, Sweden.
- English