Session Persistency (Protocol, Port Range)
Enabled Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Session Persistency – Some Internet applications (notably secure web sites, gaming sites) would need
several established sessions to make a successful transaction (or connection) and most likely they expect
all sessions would be coming from the same source (IP address). Multiple-Wan devices by default
(without any binding rules set) would handle all the traffic using load balance algorithm, sessions would
be distributed and passed over all available wan interfaces and thus when connecting against those
applications or web sites this is breaking its rule (same source) and would create problems (something
like slow connection, web pages not fully loaded etc) . Session binding rule is implemented to avoid such
situation, it indexes all the traffic from each host within LAN side and instruct them going through one
specific (dynamically selected) wan interface during host’s active period and as the result problem is
avoided when communicating with those applications.
a) Enable – Enable Checkbox will enable Session Persistency mechanism.
b) Users can use pull-down menu to select TCP, UDP or both protocols for the Internet .
c) Port range – User an define port number range to decide the traffic sessions, and maintain on that
WAN IP port . For example, if the port range is 2903 ~ 2923, that means only the port number from
2903 to 2923 will keep the sessions accordance for a WAN port.