HotBrick Network Solutions
Settings – Load Balance
Load Balance
• Enable – Use this to enable your Load Balance settings. Unless this is
checked, the other settings on this screen have no effect.
• Balance Type – Select the desired option:
• Bytes rx+tx – Traffic is measured by Bytes.
• Packets rx+tx – Traffic is measured by Packets.
• Sessions established – Traffic is measured by Sessions.
• IP Address – Traffic is measured by IP Address.
• Loading Share on WAN 1 – Enter the percentage (%) of traffic to be sent
over WAN 1. If one WAN port connection has greater bandwidth than the
other, the one with the greater bandwidth should be given a higher percentage
of traffic than the other.
Click the "Update" button to save your changes.
This section displays the current data about WAN 1 and WAN 2. You can use this
information to help you "fine-tune" the settings above.
This section displays cumulative statistics.
Use the "Restart Counters" button to restart these counters when required.
• Update – Save the settings on this screen.
• Refresh – Update the data on screen.
• Restart Counters – Restart the counters used in the "Interface Statistics"
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