Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4.2.62 Running time over and power-on time over signals (RNT and ONT)
b034: Run/power-on warning time
C021 to C025: Terminal [11] to [15]
C026: Alarm relay terminal function
d016: Cumulative operation RUN time
d017: Cumulative
-on time monitorin
Related code
The inverter outputs the operation time over (RNT) signal or the
plug-in time over (ONT) signal when the time specified as the
run/power-on warning time (b034) is exceeded.
Item Function code Range of data Description
Run/power-on warning time b034
1. to 9999.
1000 to 6553
Disabling the signal output
Setting in units of 10 hours
Setting in units of 100 hours
(range: 100,000 to 655,300 hours)
(1) Operation time over (RNT) signal
To use this signal function, assign function "11" (RNT) to one of the intelligent output terminals [11] to [15]
(C021 to C025) and the alarm relay terminal (C026).
Specify the run/power-on warning time (b034).
(2) Plug-in time over (ONT) signal
To use this signal function, assign function "12" (ONT) to one of the intelligent output terminals [11] to [15]
(C021 to C025) and the alarm relay terminal (C026).
Specify the run/power-on warning time (b034).
4.2.63 0 Hz speed detection signal (ZS)
4 - 64
The inverter outputs the 0 Hz speed detection signal when the inverter
output frequency falls below the threshold frequency specified as the
zero speed detection level (C063).
To use this signal function, assign function "21" (ZS) to one of the
intelligent output terminals [11] to [15] (C021 to C025) and the alarm relay
terminal (C026).
A044/A244/A344: V/F characteristic
curve selection, 1st/2nd/3rd motors
C021 to C025: Terminal [11] to [15]
C063: Zero speed detection level
Related code
This signal function applies to the inverter output frequency when the V/F characteristic curve selection is
based on the constant torque characteristic (VC), reduced-torque characteristic (1.7th power of VP), free
V/f characteristic, sensorless vector control, or 0Hz-range sensorless vector control. It applies to the motor
speed when the V/F characteristic curve selection is based on the vector control with sensor.
Item Function code Data or range of data Description
Terminal function C021 to C025
Alarm relay terminal function C026
21 ZS: 0 Hz speed detection signal
Zero speed detection level C063 0.00 to 100.0 (Hz)
Setting of the frequency to be
determined as 0 Hz