Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
Function code Data Description Reference item Page
51 F-TM: Forcible-terminal operation Forcible-terminal operation function 4-51
52 ATR: Permission of torque command input Torque control function 4-98
53 KHC: Cumulative power clearance Cumulative power monitoring function 4-4
54 SON: Servo On Servo on function 4-111
55 FOC: Forcing forcing function 4-91
56 MI1: General-purpose input 1
57 MI2: General-purpose input 2
58 MI3: General-purpose input 3
59 MI4: General-purpose input 4
60 MI5: General-purpose input 5
61 MI6: General-purpose input 6
62 MI7: General-purpose input 7
63 MI8: General-purpose input 8
Easy sequence function (*1) -
65 AHD: Analog command holding Analog command holding function 4-59
66 CP1: multistage position settings selection 1
67 CP2: multistage position settings selection 2
68 CP3: multistage position settings selection 3
69 ORL: Zero-return limit function
70 ORG: Zero-return trigger function
71 FOT: forward drive stop
72 ROT: reverse drive stop
73 SPD: speed / position switching
Absolute position control mode
74 PCNT: pulse counter
C001 to C008
75 PCC: pulse counter clear
Intelligent pulse counter 4-59
(*1) Refer to programing software EZ-SQ user manual.
4.2.39 Input terminal a/b (NO/NC) selection
C011 to C018: Terminal [1] to [8] active state
C019: Terminal [FW] active state
Related code
The input terminal a/b (NO/NC) selection function allows you to
specify a-contact or b-contact input for each of the intelligent
input terminals [1] to [8] and the FW terminal.
An a-contact turns on the input signal when closed and turns it off when opened.
An b-contact turns on the input signal when opened and turns it off when closed.
The terminal to which the reset (RS) function is assigned functions only as an a-contact.
Item Function code Data Description
00 a-contact (NO)
Terminal active state C011 to C018
01 b-contact (NC)
00 a-contact (NO)
Terminal [FW] active state C019
01 b-contact (NC)
4.2.40 Multispeed select setting (CF1 to CF4 and SF1 to SF7)
A019: Multispeed operation selection
A020/A220/A320: Multispeed frequency
setting, 1st/2nd/3rd motors
A021 to A035: Multispeed 1 to 15 settings
C001 to C008: Terminal [1] to [8] functions
C169: Multistage speed/position determination
Related code
The multispeed select setting function allows you to set multiple
motor speeds and switch among them by way of signal input
via specified terminals.
Multispeed operation can be performed in two modes: binary
operation mode (with up to 16 speeds) using four input
terminals and bit operation mode (with up to eight speeds)
using seven input terminals.
Item Function code Data Description
00 Binary operation mode with up to 16 speedsMultispeed
operation selection
01 Bit operation mode with up to 8 speeds
Multispeed 0 to 15
A021 to A035
0.00 or "start frequency" to
"maximum frequency" (Hz)
Setting of the frequency as each speed
Carefully note that during multispeed operation, the rotation direction specified in an operation command is
reversed if the sum of the frequencies specified by the main frequency and auxiliary frequency commands
is less than 0 Hz when the following settings have been made:
- The control circuit terminal block (01) is specified for the frequency source setting (A001).
- The external analog input (O/O2/OI) mode, set by a combination of [AT] selection (A005), [O2] selection
(A006), and AT terminal On/Off state allows reversible motor operation.
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