S38 - Delay Before Forced Hang Up
This register specifies the delay between the modem's receipt of the H command to disconnect (or ON-to-
OFF transition of DTR if the modem is programmed to follow the signal), and the disconnect operation.
Applicable to error-correction connection only. This register can be used to ensure that data in The
modem buffer is sent before the modem disconnects.
1. If S38 is set to a value between 0 and 254, the modem will wait that number of seconds for the remote
modem to acknowledge all data in the modem buffer before disconnecting. If time expires before all
data is sent, the NO CARRIER result code will be issued to indicate that data has been lost. If all data is
transmitted prior to time-out, the response to the H0 command will be OK.
2. If S38 is set to 255, the modem does not time-out and continues to attempt to deliver data in the buffer
until the connection is lost or the data is delivered.
Range: 0-255 seconds
Default: 1
S83 - EC Negotiation timeout
Sets the error correction protocol negotiation timeout. The modem will try to negotiate EC protocol for up
the time specified in this register and then fallback according to S36 settings.
Range: 0 to 30s
Default: 10 (10s per protocol)