
&Gn - Select Guard Tone
This command instructs the modem which if any guard tone should be used for V.22/V.22bis
&G0 Disables guard tone (default)
&G1 Selects 500Hz guard tone
&G2 Selects 1800 Hz guard tone
&Kn - Flow Control
This command instructs the modem which flow control method to use.
&K0 Disables flow control
&K3 Enables RTS/CTS flow control (default)
&K4 Enables XON/XOFF flow control
&K6 Enables both RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF flow control
&Mn - Mode Selection
This command is used for compatibility only. &Q commands should be used for mode control.
&M0 Selects normal buffered mode
&M1 Returns ERROR
&M2 Returns ERROR
&M3 Returns ERROR
&Pn - Pulse Dialing Control
This command controls the pulse dial make/break ratio.
&P0 Selects 39%-61% make/break ratio at 10 pulses per second (default)
&P2 Selects 39%-61% make/break ratio at 20 pulses per second
&Qn - Mode Selection
&Q0 Selects asynchronous normal buffered mode. Forces &Q6.
&Q1 Returns ERROR
&Q2 Returns ERROR
&Q3 Returns ERROR
&Q4 Returns ERROR
&Q5 The modem will try to establish error-corrected link using V.42 error correction. If the
error-corrected link cannot be established, further operation will depend on S36 setting.
&Q6 Selects asynchronous normal buffered mode.
&Sn - DSR (Data Set Ready) Option
This command controls DSR operations DSR indicates when the modem is connected to a
communications channel and is ready. Ssync mode only. If the modem is in Sync mode, DSR is on
during handshake and on-line off in test or idle mode.
&S0 DSR will be always ON (default)
&S1 DSR will go ON after modem signal has been detected and will go OFF after disconnect.