Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions
Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions
No User
is displayed if key number 1 has not been defined by the
user. Key number 1 can be deEned by remote programming
commands (KEYCMD or KEYDEF).
Front-Panel Key Access
subtracts trace B from trace A and adds the result to the
display line. The result is displayed in trace A. The trace
data is normalized with respect to the display line even
if the value of the display line is changed. This function
is executed on all subsequent sweeps until it is turned
off. A minus sign
appears between the trace A status
and the trace B status in the screen annotation while the
function is active. To turn off the normalize function, press
NORMLIZE ON OFF so that OFF is underlined.
The normalize function is useful for applying correction data
to a trace. For example, store a measurement sweep of the
response of a system in trace B. Trace A can be used to
measure the response of the system after a device is added.
Set NORMLIZE ON OFF to ON to subtract the system
response from the response of the device under test, to
characterize the response of a device under test.
Front-Panel Key Access
displays the display line and makes the display line function
active. The trace data is normalized with respect to the
display line even if the value of the display line is changed.
Front-Panel Key Access