Timed (;onvection Baking
Using the
./batures jbr
N07_: lq)o& that spoil easily, sueh as milh, <glg:s,
.fish, stq]jh_s, poldt* 3' arid pork, should r_ot be
allowed to sit jbr more than l hour b_fm_ or qfier
eoohb_g: Room temperature promotes the ,¢rowth _/
har*@d baeteria. Be sure that the o'oe_ I{g'ht is _1]]_
beeause heat jmm the bulb will speed ha*'_/hl
bacteria g'rowth.
On double oven models, you can use timed
baking or roasting in one oven while using
selfZclean in the other; you can also use
timed baking or roasting in both ovens
at the same time.
How to set
an immediate
start and
77_e ovet_ will tm't_ o_ immediately arid eooh /br a
sdeued let_'th, o,/time. At the et_d (?/ the. _oohb_q, time,
the ove_ will turt_ (_ff automatieall3'.
Make sure the oxen clock shows the correct
time of da}.
Press the CONV BAKE/1 RACK pad
(Convection Bake 1-Rack mode) for 1-rack
convection baking. Tiffs mode is used for
cooking food items on only 1 rack in
convection bake.
Press the CONV BAKE/MULTI pad
(Convection Bake Multi mode) flw multi-rack
convection baking. Tiffs mode is used fl_
cooking food items on I/lore than ()lie rack
{i.e. 9, 3 or more racks) at the same time in
Convection Bake. See the Multi-raeh
eon'oeetio_ habit,g" section fl)r m()re
Press the CONV ROAST pad for convection
2 Press the number pads to set the desired
ovell teI//perat tire,
3 Press the COOK TIME pad.
N07N: l/your _ee!per_.qldms prd_eatit_g; you may m_ed
to add additiot_al time to tl_e&r_g,lh, o.,/the _ool:ir_q',time.
4 Press the number pads to set the desired
length of cookinom time. The minimum
cooking time xou can set is 1 minute.
The oven temperature that }ou set and the
cooking time that }ou entered will be in the
5 Press the START pad.
The display shows the oven temperature that
you set and the cooking time countdown.
(The display starts changing once the
temperature reaches 100°F.)
N07N: On double ove_z models, "whe_zusb_g,"both
ove_s at the same time, the times sho'wi_g" i_ the
di@la 3' will be/br the last o'oe_zset. 7b displa)' the
time set jbr thejMst oven set, press the COOK TIME
pad /br that ove_.
The oven will continue to cook fl_r the
programmed amount of time, then shut off
automatically; mfless the WARM featm'e was set.
See the How to set the 0ve_zjbr warming" section.
6 Press the CLEAR/OFF pad to clear the
display if necessary. Rein ove the fl)od fl'om
the oven. Remember; even though the oven
shuts off automatically, food leit in the oven
will continue cooking atter the oven turns
N()7N: _bu will hear afire while eoohi_g" with this
.ficatm_,. The/?tn will _7(# on a_zd o[/'whi# _oohb_g"to
best distribute the hot ab; and will stop wh(m the door
is opened but the heat will not turn ojf