Befi)re using your convection oven, check to see
if your cookware leaves morn fiw air circulation in
the ()veil. If you are baking with several pans, leave
space between them. Mso, be sure tile pans do not
touch each other or tile walls of tile oven.
Paper mad Plastic
Heat-resistant paper and plastic contnine_ that
are recommended fi)r use in _egular ovens can be
used in convection ovens. Plastic cookware that is
heat-resistant to temperatm'es ot 400°F can also
be used.
Metal mad Glass
Any t)pe of cookware will work in your convection
oxen. Howexe_; metal pans heat the ti_stest and are
recommended fi)r convection baking.
Darkened or matte-finished pans will bake tipster
than shiny pans.
Glass or ceI'alllic pans cook II/OI'e sh)wlv,
When baking cookies, you will get the best
results if vou use a fiat coo!<de sheet instead of
a pan with low sides.
For recipes like oven-baked chicken, use a pan
with low sides. Hot air cmmot drculate well
around fi)od in a pan with high sides.
• Good fiw lmge tender cuts of meat, uncovered.
Tile convection tim circulates tile heated air e\'enlv
over and around tile fi)od. Meat and poult_ T are
browned on all sides as if they were cooked on a
rotisserie. Using the roasting rack provided, heated
air will be circulated ove_; under and around tile
t0od being roasted. The heated air seals in juices
quickly fi)r a moist and tender product while, at
tile same time, creating a rich golden brown
When you are convection roasting, it is important
that you use tile broiler pan and grid and tile
special roasting rack tot best convection roasting
results. Tile pan is used to catch grease spills and
the grid is used to prevent grease spatters, while
the roasting rack allows the heated air to circulate
trader tile meat and increase browning on tile
tmde_ide of tile meat or poult_T:
• Place tile rack (on 27" models use tile offset
rack) in the lowest rack p()sifi(m (A).
• Place tile grid on tile broiler pan and put tile
roasting rack over them, making sm'e the posts
on the roasting rack fit into the holes in the
broiler pan.
• Place meat on tile special roasting rack.
Roasting rack
_i /1 q/l'iil/i 1 li/i't\'l\_X\\_
Whenyouareusingthe offsetrack(on27" models)inthe lowest
position(A),youwill needto usecautionwhenpullingthe rack
out.Werecommendthatyoupullthe rackout severalinchesand
then,usingtwopotholders,pullthe rackout byholdingthesides
ofit. Theoffsetrackislow andyoucouldbeburnedifyou place
yourhandinthe middleoftherackandpullallthewayout.Be
verycarefulnotto burnyourhandonthedoorwhenusingarack
in thelowestposition(A).