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eWasher overloaded.Clothescannot move freely to loosen and remove soil,causing
gray appearance.Followcorrectloadingproceduresforsizeofload.
*Impropersoakingwithinsufficientdetergent.Usuallya 30-minutesoakis sufficient,
~Useof soapinhardwater.Switchtoa phosphatedetergent,or followsixstepsat the
aDetergentdissolvestoos]owly.Detergentmustbepresentin thewashsolutionat the
Stait of agitation. See page 15.
*To restore grayed clothes, follow one of these procedures:
1.Put clothes in washer. Fill with HOT water. Check Manufacturer’s Care Labels to
determine if hot water is suitable for garment.
~Add a non-precipitating type of water softener such as Calgon with phosphate—
use 21/ztimes as much as you need for no~malwater softening.
~Do not use detergent or soap.
~A11owclothes to go through complete cycle.
QRepeat, if necessary.
If you prefer to use the Soak Cycle, see page 8. Use the water softener in place of
soak agent or prewash detergent and allow clothes to soak for about 20 minutes.
LTsethe iMini-Baskettub–see page 9. Increase detergent.
mIncomplete removal of body soil due to constant use of insufficient detergent,Check
hem of T-shirt or pillow case. If they are white and center is yellow, it conttins body
~il.Restore whiteness following procedures on “Grayed Clothes,” above.
~Chlorine bleach may yellow some fabrics with resin finishes. Use oxygen bleach
‘suchas Clorox 2 brand). Refer to Garment Manufacturer’s Care Instructions. Restore
~olorLlsingcolor remover (such as Rit or Tintex brands), following package instructions.
Iron or manganese in water may cause overall yellowing or yellow spots.
1. Use extra detergent plus a non-precipitating water softener dissolved in water before
acidingclothes. Use non-chiorinebleach.
2. Have a special filter or chemical feeder installed in your home to remove iron and
Inanganesc from water.
3. Run hot
water for a few minutes to clean iron residue buildup in lines; drain water
heater occasionally.
4. ‘~() rem~lve spots: spread stained portion over pan of boiling water and squeeze
]cnlon .j~licethrough stain.To remove overa]~ ye~~ow,use a commercially available rList
scale ren]ovcr, fol](~wing package instructions. If porcelain damage can occL]r,do not
use in the 1VaSheI-;use a plastic container.
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