White and BIeachableTabries
See ControlSettingGuide, BleachonPage 7
Rubwith ice or immerse in verycold water.
Use dulltool to
carejid[yscrapeoff as )nuchadhesiveor gu)nasj]ossible,Sponge
with a safe dry cleaningfiuid,* thenlaunder.
Applyundilutedliquid detergent.Rinse, If stainremains, bleach
according to Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage. If color has
changed,you maybe able to restore it by spongingwith
ammonia.**Rinse thoroughly.
Soakin cold water,then launderin warmwater.If stain remains,
bleachaccordingto StainRemovalHinton oppositepage,launder.
Soak in cold water.Treat stain with a safe dry cleaning fluid*;
Applyundiluted liquiddetergent, launder,dry.Bleach according
to Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage, launder and dry.
Withoutcream: Bleach according to Stain RemovalHint on
oppositepage. Launder.With cream: FOI1OWguide directions for
Other WashableFabrics
Sameas white andbleachabie fabrics,
Same as white andbleachable fabrics
except use non-chlorinebleach.
Spongeor soak in cool water, then
Chocolate, Cream,
Ice Cream and Milk
Soak in cold water.Sponge with a safe
dry cleaning fluid,* Apply undiluted
liquiddetergent. Launderin warm water.
Spongewith warmwater.If stain remains,
apply warm glycerine, let stand 30
minutes and rinse well, or sponge with a
safe dry cleaning fluid.* Launder.
Spongewith a safe dry cleaning fluid.*
Then launder in warm detergent water.
Coffee and Tea
Cosmetics: Eye Shadow,
Lipstick, IMascara,Liquid
or Pancake Makeup. Rouge
Powder; Crayon: Grease;
Oil; Tar; Cod Liter Oil
resh Fruit, Fruit Juices,
Treat stain with safe dry cleaning fluid.* Apply undilutedliquid
detergent; launderand dry.Bleach accordingto Stain Removal
[iint on oppositepage.
soak stain in cool water. If stain remains, bleach according to
ltain RemovalHinton oppositepage, launder.
Spongewith warmwater.Bleachremaining
Wine.Vegetablesor Food
whiletheyare fresh,beforemoldhas a chanceto weakenfabric.)
“feither typestainremains,bleachaccordingtoStainRemovalHint
)noppositepage,launder.(Severescorchcannotbe removed.)
Grass,Foliage, Flowers,
mildew stains can seldom be removed.
Scorch can seldom be relnoved.
‘resh stains: Place stain face down on an absorbenttowel and
ponge with dry cleaning fluid,* or use spray cleaner. Apply
ndiluted liquid detergent. Old stains: Bleach according to Stain
!emoval Hint on opposite page.
Ink, Ballpoint
Same as white and bleachable fabrics
except launder using non-chlorine bleach
Pilil]t :llld Varnish
Same as white and bleachable fabrics.
often with oil, lard or
vL~se]ifle. then sponge with turpentine or
anana oil. Launder in warm water.
Apply undiluted liquid detergent and launder in warm water. If
colorhaschangedyoumay be able10restore it bytreatingwith
ammoniaor vine~ar.“;:
If anystain remains,[rest withsafe dry
clcanirtgfluid+or bleachaccordingto StainRemovalHint on
f~ppositcpage, lat]ndcratlddry,
Applyrust rcnlo~er,*’;’usingmanufacturer’sdirections.Rinseand
Launderinwarm water.Rinse WC]].Bleach
aswhite andbleachablefabrics.
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