The Problem Solver (contimwti)
● Insufficient detergent. Youmay need to increase amount ofdetergent used if
load is larger than normal, if soils are oily or heavier than average, if water
level is large or if water is Hard to Extremely Hard.
● Waternot hot enough for type of load. Be sure water heater is set to deliver
hot water at the washer at 140~150‘F. Do not wash when other hot water
needs-such as dishwashing or family baths-are heavy.
● Pbor or inferior detergent. Change to phosphate detergent, if possible. Follow
these steps:
1. Use water conditioner, (such as Calgon brand)
2. Ike-treat stains ‘
,. 3. Use hottest water possible
4. Use bleach where possible
5. Use Plt-SOakaids
6. Install water softener
● Wtier overloaded. Clothes cannot move freely to loosen and remove soil,
causing gray appearance. Follow correct loading procedures for size of load,
Q Improper soaking with insufficient detergent. Usually a 30-minute soak is
sufficient. However,when using extended soaks for heavily soiled garments
you may need to use twice the recommended amount of detergent.
● Use of soap in hard water. Switch to a phosphate det&gent, or follow six steps
described above.
● Wmhing too long may result in increased soil deposition. Use shorter wash
, times for smaller loads.
. .
c Detergent dissolves too slowly. Detergent must be present in the wash solution
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at the start of agitation. Seepage 18.
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● Torestore grayedclothes, follow one of these procedures:
. .
: .1. Put clothes in washer. Fill with HOI’ water. Check Manufacturers’ Care
~~ Labels to determine if hot water is suitable for garment.
‘ ‘ . Add a non-precipitating type of water softener such as Calgon with
. ... .
phosphate-use 21Atimes as much as you need for normal water
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● Do not use detergent or soap.
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● Allowclothes to go through complete cycle.
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j;~j, ~~ Repeat, if necessary.
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.;~.,..~~Uyou pr~~ to use the SO* Setting, see page 6. Use the water softener in..
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of soakagentor prewashdetergentandallowclothesto soakforabout
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‘ 3. U%the Mini-Baskettub. Seepage 8.Increasedetergent.
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~complete removalof body soildue to constantuse of insufficient detergent.
CL~HES ~ ~ ~~. ;’ ‘
Check hem of T-shirt or pillow case. If they are white and center is yellow,
. .
it contains body oil. Restore whiteness following procedures on “Grayed