About the dishwasher control panel.
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PDW9200 Series-PDW9900 Series
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Control Settings
O Status Indicator Lights (Indicatorsvary by models)
TheStatusdisplaytells you what ishappening whilethe dishwasherisin operation and mag flash,
indicating a malfunction.Thelightswill come ONindicating the sequenceofthe dishwasheroperation.
LOWDETERGENTDisplayedwhen the SmartDispenseTM needsto be refilledwith liquid or gelautomatic
NOTE:Ifyou are not usingSmartDispenseTM and you want to tum the LOWDETERGENT
LEDlightoff, presstheADDEDHEATpad 5times within 3 seconds.Youwillhear 3
beeps;then the lightwill go off.Youcan turn the light back on bg pressingtheADDED
HEATpad Stimes within 3 seconds.
SENSINGDisplagedwhilethe CleanSensorTM ismeasuring the amount of soiland temperature
of wateEThedishwasherwilladjust the selectedcgcleto achieveoptimal performance.
ADD-A-DISH Displagedduring prewash, indicating that dishes added now will still be cleaned.
WASHING Displagedduring prewash,main wash and rinseperiods.
RINSING Displaged during rinseperiods.
DRYING Displayedduring HEATEDDRY.
SANITIZED Displagedwhen cgcle hasmet sanitizationconditions.
CLEAN Displagedwhen a wash cgcle iscomplete.
O Time Remaining Displag fansomemodels)
Duringoperation,the displagshowsthe minutes remaininguntil the cycleiscomplete.Thedisplogmay
adjust the remainingtime while the Sensinglightison.Thetime displayedat the start of eachcycle may
change from the factory setting usthe unit customizesitselfto home use.Duringa delay start, the display
will show hoursof time remaining untilthe cycle starts.
PDWbO00Series:Pressthepad for thedesiredwash cycle.
PDWgO00Series:UsetheArrow Pods_ _ toscrollthrough thewash cgcles.
NOTE:All cgcletimes and water usageinformation contained in the following sectionare approximate
values.Actual resultswilldepend on severalfactors,includingbut not limited to inlettemperature,
householdwater pressureand amount ofsoilin thewash wateE
Thelight aboveor nextto the selectedpad will beONto indicate which WASHCYCLEhasbeen selected.