Loading the dishwasher racks.
For best dishwoshing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of racks and silverware
baskets may vary from gout model.
Upper Rack
Although the upper rack isprimarily for
glasses,cups and saucers, pots and pans can
be placed in this rack for effective cleaning.
Cupsand glassesfit best along the sides.This
isalso a secure place for dishwasher plastics.
Theutility shelf (somemodels)may be placed
in the up or down position to add flexibility.A
wine glass holder (some models)secureswine
glassesfor best washability.
Somemodels have contoured metal cup
shelvesthat can secure up to 12 wine glasses
Becausewine glassescome in various sizes,
after loading,slowly push in the rack to make
surethey will clearthe top of the dishwasher.
Somemodels have an Angled Back System,
which allows you to angle your dishes,such
as coffee mugs,for better cleaning and
quicker drying. To position the tines,pull the
leverforward then drop the tines into
position,then releasethe lever.
Theupper rack isgood for all kindsof
odd-shaped utensils.Saucepans,mixing
bowls and other items should be placed face
down. Fold-down tines (onsome models)
provide flexibility for extra-large and hard-
to-fit items.
Securelarger dishwasher-safe plastics over
2 tines when possible.
Make suresmall plastic items are secure so
they can't fall onto the heater.
Be surethat itemsdo not protrude through
the bottom of the rack and block rotation of
the middle spray arm.This could result in
poor wash performance for items in the
upper rack.
Checkto make surethat no items will block
rotation ofthe wash arm.
NOTE:TheSingle RackWash selection,on
models with this feature, washesthe upper
rack only. If you usethis feature, do not load
items in the lower rack.
Adjustable Upper Rack
Thestandard position of your adjustable rack
is"up" which allows for maximum clearance
for your taller items in the lower rack. If you
have taller wine glasses,tumblers or other
items to placein the upper rack,you may
want to adjust the rack to the lower position.
Tolower the reck, support the weight of the
rack with your hands asshown and press
both finger pads about 1/4" toward the inside
of the rack asindicated and guide the rack
down to its lower position.
Toraise the rack to the "up" position,pull up
on the center of the rack sideframe until the
rack locksinto place.